Causes of stress ulcers of the stomach are not always associated with food!

Causes of stress ulcers of the stomach are not always associated with food!
It is believed that mostly ulcer exacerbated in the fall. However, doctors say: this disease can develop in the summer. And it can provoke a completely unexpected at first glance reasons.

In detail about the mechanisms of development of non-seasonal gastric ulcer told Zvenislav Staff, a doctor - a gastroenterologist.

- People say that stress ulcer can develop on the background of hassles, is it true?

- This disease can really develop against the background of acute or chronic stress. Indeed, under such conditions, an increased amount of adrenaline (stress hormone) is released in the body, which enters the bloodstream and causes a spasm of small vessels and arteries. This leads, in particular, to malnutrition of the walls of the stomach and duodenum.

I will explain, the blood vessels supply blood to the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, providing it with oxygen, and during stress (powerful or prolonged) oxygen starvation of the stomach or duodenal wall develops, resulting in a violation of their nutrition and development of the ulcer.

That is why stressful situations, overwork, nervousness, or exhaustion at work can have such unexpected at first glance consequences. Or it may be that a person had to suddenly change the mode of the day (for example, if you need to work at night), and this is accompanied by significant mental and nervous stress. It is not easy for the body to change its biorhythms, there is a violation of the nervous regulation of the walls of the digestive organs, a failure in the secretion of digestive juices, hormones and enzymes develops. This imbalance can lead to illness.

- When a stress ulcer, what symptoms develop?
The patient is plagued not only by hungry and nightly pains in the upper abdomen, heartburn, nausea or vomiting, but also the symptoms of stress, such as headaches, insomnia, and rapid fatigue. In any case, if an ulcer is suspected, the patient should be examined.

To do this, you can donate blood, feces or undergo endoscopy with a gastric biopsy (at the same time determine the sensitivity to drugs). And the most reliable is the so-called respiratory test (the patient breathes into a special tube, as a result of the analysis we get a positive or negative result about the presence of a dangerous microbe Helicobacter pylori, which in most cases provokes the development of ulcers).

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- What are the features of stress ulcer treatment?

- We need additional advice from a neurologist and psychotherapist for the purpose of complex treatment. In addition, you need a diet, the diet of the patient should not be spicy and fried foods, pickles, spices, coffee and tea. But the menu should consist of cereals (rice, barley, oatmeal), soups, and mashed potatoes, so that a film forms on the affected mucosa. You should also drink soothing teas, take a bath of decoction of pine needles or rosemary (the water temperature should be 37 degrees, a total of at least 10 sessions). Most importantly, a stressful ulcer heals only if the person no longer suffers from nervous over-stimulations.

The parapsychologist with great experience S. N. Lazarev in his article “The Problems of the Intestines and Stomach” will help to deal with the underlying causes of intestinal and stomach diseases.

Be healthy!
Causes of stress ulcers of the stomach are not always associated with food! Causes of stress ulcers of the stomach are not always associated with food! Reviewed by Health Tips on June 10, 2019 Rating: 5

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