Impact of stress on human health

Impact of stress on human health
The state of stress is perceived by most people as unambiguously negative. However, experts are not so categorical in their assessments. They define stress as a natural, legitimate and quite expected reaction to various external stimuli that cause disturbances in the psycho-emotional sphere. Currently, the causes of stress often include the economic instability in the world, the precarious financial situation of people, which gives rise to anxiety and concern for their own future. And since it is impossible to avoid such problems, the effect of stress on human health becomes permanent. Where this may lead, it is useful to know every modern person.
Effect of stress on the human body at the physiological level

Usually, people diagnose stress in themselves due to unpleasant sensations of a psychoemotional quality, but no less clearly it affects the functioning of the internal systems of the body. Therefore, noting the effect of stress on health, physiological factors should also be taken into account. The main in this regard are such processes as:

    automatic increase in blood sugar levels - glucose is needed as an energy source, which in turn is needed to activate the body's defenses; therefore, constant stress can lead to diabetes;
    sharp reduction of the thymus gland - it is part of the human immune system and is responsible for the production of white blood cells; with frequent uncontrolled contraction of this organ, leukocytes are not produced, which reduces the level of the body's natural defense;
    involuntarily tense muscles - if this happens regularly and does not alternate with long periods of relaxation, it can lead to the destruction of the muscle cells and tissues that make up the internal organs;
    the diameter of the capillaries increases, their expansion occurs, under severe stress they can burst, causing the appearance of hematomas, blue skin and unnatural pallor of the skin, impaired blood supply to tissues and organs;
    deceptive processes in cells are violated, and they begin to produce large quantities of toxins that are not eliminated naturally, but accumulate, poisoning the body.
Effect of stress on the psychosomatic health of a person

No less disastrous, stressful condition also turns out to be at the level of psychosomatics. The negative impact of stress in this case is as follows:

    bouts of aggression, anger, irritability;
    mood swings;
    loss of strength, loss of interest in life;
    sleep disturbance;
    loss of self-confidence, hypochondria, neurosis;
    persistent headaches;
    heart rhythm disturbance, exacerbation of chronic diseases;
    disruptions in the hormonal sphere;
    decrease in working capacity;
    increased risk of oncology on the background of a constantly depressed emotional state.
Does the effect of stress on a person's condition be helpful?

The positive effect of stress on the body to many people seems impossible fiction. And experts talk about it seriously. The following are given as arguments:

    adrenaline production rises and an emotional shake-up occurs, which can push a person to active, productive actions aimed at eliminating the cause of stress;
    the desire to get rid of the unpleasant emotional state can push to establish closer relationships with others, to which a person turns for help and support;
    if a person succeeds in overcoming stress, this will help him to increase his self-esteem and gain self-confidence.
Impact of stress on human health Impact of stress on human health Reviewed by Health Tips on June 10, 2019 Rating: 5

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