The techniques of makeup step by step.

The techniques of makeup step by step.

Certainly the makeup process is not an easy task. Especially if you do it yourself at home and not at a specialist. You have to choose between a variety of products that many times even professionals have to experiment to find the best combination.

How each one applies makeup and what cosmetics it chooses is purely subjective. However, you can follow specific techniques to help you achieve better results. It makes sense to have you figure out where to start. Do you put the blush first? The lipstick or mascara? Do I have to follow a specific order? To solve all these questions, read the following steps that I think will be very useful

    Before applying your makeup, be sure to take your moisturizer or even better a primer. You will find many different primers in the market. The choice depends clearly on you and the type of your skin. Now that it is approaching summer, it is a good idea to combine the Primer with a sunscreen if it is to go out dyed during the day.
    Put your Make up first and then put the mascara in your eyes. That's why if you're dirty with mascara, it's much easier to fix if it's on make up than naked skin.

    Always have two makeup shades that will be close to your skin color. The one more open for the winter and one darker for the summer. It is advisable to have both shades from the same company so you can combine them for the spring and autumn periods and create more shades.

    To cover small imperfections and dark circles under your eyes, add after the make up a little concealer. But you need to look at some important details about the concealer. First of all look at its coloring near your skin and a tone lighter than your makeup. Before you put it, you must put a moisturizer under your eyes. Using it without moisturizing due to dehydration will create small wrinkles under your eyes. I add that the same goes for the powder. Always use moisturizer first. Finally, always look at your concealer's fluid texture, stretching out on your skin quite easily and taking a long time.

    After we passed the make up and the concealer, we go now to paint our eyes. We always start with the shadows, then we pass our pencil, emphasize the contour with the eyeliner and finally we pass the mascara according to what we have said in the article
    The styles and colors you choose depend clearly on you. You can follow fashion trends but always look to match your style.

    After we've finished and with our eyes we're going to our lips. It is very basic that your lips always be hydrated and look healthy and not dry and chapped. Do not choose a strong difference in the color of your lipstick and the contour you choose to put on your lips. The outline of the lips is very basic as this will determine the limits you will move and whether or not you will raise your lips. Once you have finished with your lipstick, pass a transparent lipgloss for a better and more beautiful look.

    Our last step is to place the powder and blush. It is best to place the powder first and then the blush. You can also look at the shades in harmony with your face. If you make a mistake and get darker than you want to correct it with a little light powder. The blush is placed from the cheeks to the ears as if you were a big smile. The lightest shades will give you a more real effect, while darker ones will make your face appear sunny.

* To emphasize that it is not necessary to follow all of the above steps we have said. Say it seems redundant and you do not need it. Never forget, to limit the very often painted ones, because our physics is more and more beautiful. And by closing, because all these cosmetics destroy your face over time, always follow what I have written in the article
 For any questions please contact me in the question-questions or email section.
The techniques of makeup step by step. The techniques of makeup step by step. Reviewed by Health Tips on June 12, 2019 Rating: 5

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