What Is Probiotics? So, called microorganisms, have a positive effect on human activity.
The definition is more obscure, and all have these probiotics. Bifidaobacteria and lactobosilli are actively studied, and each of these groups is full of microorganisms. They all help us survive, and work tirelessly for our benefit. They work in digestion, help absorb nutrients and minerals from food, vitamins produce B and K, protect us from harmful microorganisms, and some reports also have a positive effect on immunity.
What do they eat?
There are two options for bacterial access. We are consuming products that have probiotics or we take special medications. In natural form, probiotics are found in fermented products, and are:
Krout and Kimchi,
Pickles, which are not used in the preparation of vinegar
Tempeh (Asian soy bean dishes).
In order to achieve the top title of probiotic, the product must meet several criteria: Bifondobacteria or lactobacilli have a lot, which must be alive and reach this form.
What's the problem? At first, beneficial bacteria should avoid swimming in abdominal hydrochloric acid, and then the effects of small intestine enzymes to make good in the big intestine.
How many yoghurt yoghurt you have to eat is not known. However, how much tons of powders and tablets should be consumed by the pharmacy - no one really knows.
Prebiotics are not the second name for backbarium, but bacteria can consume food. And more than this "diet" that we have, bacteria grow, multiply, and work.
Most probiotics like to eat fiber, starch, and complex sugars. This is not a fiber that is worthy of the prebiotic title. After all, the function of prebiotics is similar to probiotics: Getting most of the digestive tract without losing its properties.
What do they eat?
Prebiotic products should be eaten after raw or minimal heat treatment for the best effect, and should be done regularly. You should also notice the freshness of vegetables. Only good ripening or still unripe vegetables (green bananas) work well. What is needed for food with little bacterial friends? Such products:
Chicory salad
And other "biotics"
It is already quite clear why the same medicinal preparations can not always help with the problems of the gastrointestinal tract. There are some bacteria, but no nutritional media. In some cases, this is the opposite: Probiotics have something to eat, but not bacteria.
However, there are symbiotics - products and preparations that include probiotics and prebiotics.
Fiber is embedded in products, ie, croout, vegetables are marinated without vinegar.
Any benefit?
The main question is: Is it really worth trying to colonize the bowel with this bacterium in order to enjoy the benefits of their work? You can try. There are several aspects.
In products that specify the number of direct components involved, everything is not perfect. Each probiotic has its own storage conditions, expiration date, and more, so packaging differs from what you eat.
In addition, different foods and bacteria are different, so the effects of them are different.
With medicinal preparations, the situation is simple. But it only seems.
Probiotics have more research. Most tests are performed by a small model (i.e., several dozen people engage in research), and a bacterial effect is studied. Results show a beneficial effect, but not always and not everywhere.
In addition, probiotics from the pharmacy are living bacteria in yogurt and cabbage, that is, most of the intestine does not survive.
After all, the caffeine, yoghurt and sauerkraut we already know is good, you need to eat more vegetables and fruits. Remember that when you decide to eat at any time: sausage or fruit-yogurt salad - probiotics and prebiotics are essential. And everything will be fine.
What is that How important is this bacteria not only of our intestine but also the whole organism? Symptoms of unhealthy intestines. Which products contain probiotics.
My serious relationship with probiotics has begun to form seriously in many cases after the conflict, which has not disappeared anymore. I believe that I am still beneficial bacteria
What Is Probiotics?
- These are the living organisms that live in our body and in our bodies.
The word "probiotic" is translated from the Greek for "life". And this is true.
Our Body Contains 100 Trillion !!! Different types of bacteria, which are 10 times more than our cells. That is, we are more bacteria than people
When we come to this world, we already receive our first probiotic amount. To the mother.
That is why I can not explain how important it is for women to maintain a healthy gut microscope and birth canal. In life, your child's immunity and protection from many long-term diseases.
A couple of days ago, I interviewed a Russian doctor named Natisha McBride, who interviewed the Children's Natural Clinic and Treatment with autism and other neurological disorders. And according to her, all the mothers of children suffering from, the gut sensitivity is broken!
It is so important that it seems to be small bacteria. But I dedicate a separate post to such a global problem in relation to autism and probiotics.
How do you find if you have a healthy intestinal microflora?
Our guts are their own separate states. In which "balance" and "bad" bacteria get the balance. And this balance is not important for our body.
By taking such simple facts, false foods and antibiotics, our gut can destroy "good bacteria", resulting in the abnormal growth of "bad" bacteria.
It causes intestinal inflammation of the intestine wall, which provokes - small tears formation in the intestinal mucosa, partly digestible food particles and products of all types of toxins enter the bloodstream, spread throughout the body, and weaken our immune system.
What are probiotics and what they need from the body? What are Probiotics and what we need them
Reviewed by Health Tips
June 12, 2019

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