Face skin health.

Face skin health.
Chav had figured out for a long time to put a spoke on it. Who knows, maybe someone will help or help.

Today's theme: Facial Skin Health

Without complicated terms in medecin, understandable language.

If you are a healthy eater and sports go straight to. section.

The second. For sports, don't go to fancy gyms, go out and pavingro out or run for 30 minutes a day, that's all you need.

And remember, if you want to get a very sporty height you don't have to sit in the hall for 2 hours or more with an intense, well-planned workout of up to 40 min.

Firstly!!! Watch what you eat it can repeat and repeat, but that's it. I won't go into details, a separate article can be made about it.

At least some of the things you should avoid or use as minimally as possible: All Synthetic sweets want to buy a sweet fruit, or make yourself a sweet fruit with a 101 recipe online as prepared.

Good use of fatty meat, better curd products than low-fat dairy products (if questions about this drop in google, or laziness in comments).

Mayonnaise ketchup is not used, or very little.

Wheat flour products should reduce their consumption and eat whole grains.

By the way, a good way to quickly lose weight is not to eat wheat products at all, because if the weight of the amount of gluten taken decreases very quickly + regular light sport.

Everything about food

Let it not be long here, and there should be a lot of speech going to the case right away.

I was confronted with it .... Though I hated all of the above, my skin did not like anything, often a bit red and dry skin, and from time to time some larger pumps leaked until I got to the cell I had a good time suspected.

I do not use any commercial care products for face skin as much as once with lemon. And the problem was the hard tap water, the face of the face was immediately dry, and even the skin on the cheeks peeled off, of course skin fat that causes the greasy face to release, and in the meantime the skin is relatively dry there. small bacterial raspberries.
At the moment, every day I am drinking coconut milk, I buy the coconut hammer holes in the shop and pour it into a glass and put it in the refrigerator. To choose a good coconut you need to shake it and dress it up with the most juices inside, because with time it dries, as well as looks at the 3 holes or is not suspicious like mold, or all the holes are ultimately black and dried up look.

Coconuts rimi costs 0.89Eur per piece and if a lot of juices apply for a week.

Rinse your face on your face, wipe and swab a little on a cotton swab, so that the wad is slightly wet and immerse your face, with your fingers dipping and spreading on your face. Coconut will also create a glossy face impression so you don't have to make up with the amount of milk on your face, or you can dilute it with chamomile tea 50/50, only chamomile tea should be clear and clean water without much metals.
Face skin health. Face skin health. Reviewed by Health Tips on July 08, 2019 Rating: 5

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