Health of Ukrainians: frightening statistics

Health of Ukrainians: frightening statistics
The state of health of Ukrainian citizens is on the verge of catastrophe, as evidenced by both domestic and international statistics.

The criterion of health is life expectancy.

Today, the state of health of Ukrainians can be called crisis. One of the main indicators of the quality of the health system in the evaluation criteria of the World Health Organization (WHO) is life expectancy. And here the indicators of Ukraine very little resemble the indicators of a civilized European state.

In the ranking of countries in the world in terms of life expectancy, compiled by WHO for 2015 (the latest available data), Ukraine ranks 111 out of 190 countries with an average life expectancy of 71 years.

For reference: absolutely all European neighbors are located above us: Poland - on the 43rd place (77.4 years), Hungary - on 66 (75.2 years), Romania - on 76 (74.7). And this is not to mention the leaders of the rating of Hong Kong, Japan and Italy, whose residents live on average more than 83 years!

Domestic Ukrainian statistics is also not life-affirming. Throughout the years of independence, the death rate in the country exceeds the birth rate, and the difference in average life expectancy at birth between men and women in many regions of the country reaches 10 years or more!
How do Ukrainians independently assess their health

In late spring, the Kiev International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) conducted an All-Ukrainian public opinion poll. The method of personal interview was interviewed for 2,040 respondents living in 108 localities in all regions of Ukraine, except for the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. In the Luhansk and Donetsk regions polls were conducted only in the territories controlled by Ukraine.

The KIIS recalled that they track the dynamics of self-assessment of the health status of Ukrainians since 1995. And the survey data show: over the past two years, the level of health of our fellow citizens has remained almost unchanged: compared to 2015, studies do not record either improvement or a statistically significant deterioration in the self-esteem of the country's inhabitants of their own health.

In particular, in May 2017, 38% of respondents rated their health as good (including 6% - as very good), 41% - as average (neither good, nor bad), 20% - as bad (in 4% - very bad).

The KIIS states: a number of factors affect the state of health, including age, sex, level of material well-being, place of residence.

Obviously, health is most closely associated with age: the older a person is, the higher the likelihood that he will have certain health problems. For example, according to the combined research data of 2015-2017, if at the age of 18-29 years 70% feel healthy, then at the age of 40-49 years - 39%, and among those over 70 years old - only 6%.

It also turned out that gender affects the self-assessment of health status: in all age groups, men rate their health a little better than women. In general, among Ukrainians over 18, 45% of men and 33% of women consider themselves healthy.

The close relationship between health and well-being continues: the higher the material standard of living, the more those who can boast of good health. According to 2015-2017 polls, only 21% were among the poorest people (that is, those who lack even money for food), while among people with a relatively high level of material well-being (who can afford purchase of expensive items) - 70%. Researchers say that there is nothing surprising in these results. After all, a higher level of well-being provides the best opportunities for caring for your own health, disease prevention and treatment.

The percentage of those who feel healthy is somewhat higher in urban areas (40%) than in rural areas (34%). KIIS experts explain that this may be due both to working conditions and the level of material well-being (which is much higher in cities), and to the varying availability of health services (the network of medical institutions is more developed in cities).

By the way, the authors of the study came to an interesting conclusion: health is an important condition for feeling happy: among those who consider their health very good, 88% feel happy, while among those who have poor health only 19%
Health of Ukrainians: frightening statistics Health of Ukrainians: frightening statistics Reviewed by Health Tips on June 12, 2019 Rating: 5

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