Top 7 Culinary Tips
Want to improve your skills in the kitchen? These tips are made from a wonderful article about Quora and are complemented by the author's personal experience. You are welcome.
Tell me, do you like cooking? Do you really like the process, try everything, love to experiment and get real joy from the result? Or is your way to quickly flatten eggs, cook pasta and do it?
Some people love food. Only culinary programs have a lot of beautiful, fresh products, perfectly clean cuisine and a fun enthusiasm that delights in something broadcasting, cutting, baking, steaks, baking, and then delicious food. And everything is so simple and simple. Take it and do it.
Yes of course. You come to the kitchen - the sink has a sink stack, outside the sink and even on the stove. In the refrigerator - the mouse hangs and did not leave a farewell note. And how can you work here?
I just started falling in love with cooking. No, I cook the eggs and cook the pasta I cook for a long time, but in the last few months I started to catch it. Many people ask (mostly girls): "How do you like to cook? It is so much time and effort. Noooo ... "
What can I say To prepare, of course, it is lazy. Especially, delicious cooking and much more. Especially when I'm tired and I just want to fall on the couch, jerk my paws and fall asleep without a dream.
Especially sorry for my dear and wonderful time, which is already on the edge, and then you have to spend on cooking, which you can release from ten minutes, and they will not ask you how to call.
But there is something I need, agree. Now the choice is yours - either to get a high kitchen or a daily ritual from which you will wash away something gloomy and painful.
Want to improve your skills in the kitchen? These tips are made from a wonderful article about Quora and are complemented by the author's personal experience. You are welcome.
1. Treat your products with respect
Think about how much work is invested in your daily breakfast. After all, because of each component, people worked, driven by trucks, the products were checked, arranged, neatly placed on the store shelves.
Everything that is "clearly" is the fruit of so many people's work. Think about it before you buy or cook something.
Thanks to everyone who worked for you to enjoy a good breakfast. Do not waste products, do not let the product spoil by clearly calculating the required quantity. Think about how to cook better and tastier. That's the best thank you.
2. Do not lose contact with the products.
All types of kitchen gadgets are cool. Such nipples, such as spoons, forks, skimmers, brushes, hammers, are very cool. Divide and conquer.
But don't interfere with kitchen utensils in a country where you can't remember what cabbage to touch. Loss of contact is dangerous, you stop feeling products, you have no idea how chili pepper bought today differs from last week. What if he is not sharp at all? Take it, trim, smell, feel it, bite. Explore products far and wide - their taste, aroma, texture. When you clearly understand what you are doing, it will be easier to navigate through cooking. And of course, the end of the dish will become much tastier. Without knowing what products are on the table, you can adjust.
3. Try something new every month.
Remember that really big artists are stealing. Launch through the keyhole in the kitchens of other countries! In addition, it is easier to act on the Internet than ever before. Great inspiration - Italian cuisine. A simple fish hat and tradition of cooking makes Italian cuisine simply delicious even in the context of the simplest dishes. For example, Italians love to grill bread, sprinkle olive oil on top, and they like something like cheese curd with greens and garlic from above. Yum-yum)
4. Just handmade, just hardcore!
Before buying a new kitchen appliance, first learn to do it yourself. Of course, it is cool to buy a smart device and save a lot of time and nerves. But it's something like buying a Mercedes that can't really park the park. You can rent a driver, and he will stand for you, but where is this unique sense of unity with a car where you are proud to know that you can and can do everything? Learn how to crush, crush, dry, go and whip with your hands. Strike, poke, morale and physically suffer, but learn to do it yourself.
5. Build your favorite, beloved and closest person.
It's simple. Cook in good mood, cook with love. Cook for those you like. For a friend, girlfriend, mom, dad, dog, for yourself. I like to cook for all my many men - friend, brothers, father. I do not know what a woman is at all if she has not been moved, watching a minute hungry and angry man excited by hamster food, turning into satisfied cats.
6. Use the latest one
Use fresh, preserved whenever possible, and freeze when you don't go anywhere.
Frozen food is not true. Everything is as young as possible. Keep this in mind and try to use fresh products as often as possible.
7. Try everything when cooking. Several times!
If you do not have the habit of trying food during cooking - retrain urgently! For a 99% probability, you will get a completely unpredictable, and most likely not too tasty result. I want you, I don't want, picked up and tried. The more often, the better. The more often you try, the smaller the errors.
Want to improve your skills in the kitchen? These tips are made from a wonderful article about Quora and are complemented by the author's personal experience. You are welcome.
Tell me, do you like cooking? Do you really like the process, try everything, love to experiment and get real joy from the result? Or is your way to quickly flatten eggs, cook pasta and do it?
Some people love food. Only culinary programs have a lot of beautiful, fresh products, perfectly clean cuisine and a fun enthusiasm that delights in something broadcasting, cutting, baking, steaks, baking, and then delicious food. And everything is so simple and simple. Take it and do it.
Yes of course. You come to the kitchen - the sink has a sink stack, outside the sink and even on the stove. In the refrigerator - the mouse hangs and did not leave a farewell note. And how can you work here?
I just started falling in love with cooking. No, I cook the eggs and cook the pasta I cook for a long time, but in the last few months I started to catch it. Many people ask (mostly girls): "How do you like to cook? It is so much time and effort. Noooo ... "
What can I say To prepare, of course, it is lazy. Especially, delicious cooking and much more. Especially when I'm tired and I just want to fall on the couch, jerk my paws and fall asleep without a dream.
Especially sorry for my dear and wonderful time, which is already on the edge, and then you have to spend on cooking, which you can release from ten minutes, and they will not ask you how to call.
But there is something I need, agree. Now the choice is yours - either to get a high kitchen or a daily ritual from which you will wash away something gloomy and painful.
Want to improve your skills in the kitchen? These tips are made from a wonderful article about Quora and are complemented by the author's personal experience. You are welcome.
1. Treat your products with respect
Think about how much work is invested in your daily breakfast. After all, because of each component, people worked, driven by trucks, the products were checked, arranged, neatly placed on the store shelves.
Everything that is "clearly" is the fruit of so many people's work. Think about it before you buy or cook something.
Thanks to everyone who worked for you to enjoy a good breakfast. Do not waste products, do not let the product spoil by clearly calculating the required quantity. Think about how to cook better and tastier. That's the best thank you.
2. Do not lose contact with the products.
All types of kitchen gadgets are cool. Such nipples, such as spoons, forks, skimmers, brushes, hammers, are very cool. Divide and conquer.
But don't interfere with kitchen utensils in a country where you can't remember what cabbage to touch. Loss of contact is dangerous, you stop feeling products, you have no idea how chili pepper bought today differs from last week. What if he is not sharp at all? Take it, trim, smell, feel it, bite. Explore products far and wide - their taste, aroma, texture. When you clearly understand what you are doing, it will be easier to navigate through cooking. And of course, the end of the dish will become much tastier. Without knowing what products are on the table, you can adjust.
3. Try something new every month.
Remember that really big artists are stealing. Launch through the keyhole in the kitchens of other countries! In addition, it is easier to act on the Internet than ever before. Great inspiration - Italian cuisine. A simple fish hat and tradition of cooking makes Italian cuisine simply delicious even in the context of the simplest dishes. For example, Italians love to grill bread, sprinkle olive oil on top, and they like something like cheese curd with greens and garlic from above. Yum-yum)
4. Just handmade, just hardcore!
Before buying a new kitchen appliance, first learn to do it yourself. Of course, it is cool to buy a smart device and save a lot of time and nerves. But it's something like buying a Mercedes that can't really park the park. You can rent a driver, and he will stand for you, but where is this unique sense of unity with a car where you are proud to know that you can and can do everything? Learn how to crush, crush, dry, go and whip with your hands. Strike, poke, morale and physically suffer, but learn to do it yourself.
5. Build your favorite, beloved and closest person.
It's simple. Cook in good mood, cook with love. Cook for those you like. For a friend, girlfriend, mom, dad, dog, for yourself. I like to cook for all my many men - friend, brothers, father. I do not know what a woman is at all if she has not been moved, watching a minute hungry and angry man excited by hamster food, turning into satisfied cats.
6. Use the latest one
Use fresh, preserved whenever possible, and freeze when you don't go anywhere.
Frozen food is not true. Everything is as young as possible. Keep this in mind and try to use fresh products as often as possible.
7. Try everything when cooking. Several times!
If you do not have the habit of trying food during cooking - retrain urgently! For a 99% probability, you will get a completely unpredictable, and most likely not too tasty result. I want you, I don't want, picked up and tried. The more often, the better. The more often you try, the smaller the errors.
Top 7 Culinary Tips
Reviewed by Health Tips
June 11, 2019

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