10 culinary life hacking with familiar products

10 culinary life hacking with familiar products

Pc-Articles collected little tricks that will definitely come in the kitchen. Even if you are an experienced culinary expert, we are confident that in our selection you will find a new way to make familiar products easier and tastier.

1. Don't use fried bacon - cepiet it

If you like crispy bacon strips, you'll love this life. Do not use a frying pan in a frying pan, heat the oven better, place it on the baking sheet and send it to baking. That's what they do in American restaurants, where bacon is made in industrial quantities. Believe me, bacon will prove not only crunchy and crunchy, but also very fragrant.

2. Fry the juicy chicken fillet in a parchment envelope.

If you're tired of boiled chicken fillet and don't want to bake it, try another method. Take chicken, don't be sorry for herbs and black pepper, a little salt, put the envelope in parchment and cepiet in the oven.

You can fold the envelope the way you want it, if only meat juices remain during cooking. I note that my chicken turns dry when the envelope walls consist of one layer of parchment. But if you make envelopes from the bottom and top of the double sheet, the fillet is incredibly soft and soft.

This way boiled chicken can be added to salads or edible with food.

3. Heat the spices and give them all their taste.

Add them to the pan before adding them to the dish. Salads, say, do not need to heat black pepper, but for any other food this life is fair.

When you heat the spices, they give the food more flavor. You can warm up the spices and then grind them, then the pleasant smell will increase. If stored in a sealed package, the rich taste and aroma will last for a long time.
4. Make garlic on a sauce basis and don't worry about your mouth.

Many are afraid to include garlic in their daily diet because it smells. This is true because the "flavor" of this product, which is eaten at dinner, will disappear only after you have your teeth.

But the sauce can be used as roasted or roasted garlic, then the smell will be less strong and stable. Of course, this sauce should not be taken to work, but it is quite suitable for dinner.

Bake the garlic head or apcepiet some cloves until soft and golden brown. Turn it into a paste using a garlic press. Add a teaspoon of oil and salt. Beat until the mass turns white. Add the lemon juice and wipe again. At this base you can add spices, pasta from paprika or tomatoes, fresh herbs. Sauce is suitable for vegetable dishes, meat, poultry.

5. To prepare the pumpkin quickly, cook it in the microwave

Based on the pumpkin, you can cook a lot of food, and usually you need to turn vegetables into puree. Peel pumpkin, cut into small pieces and put in a plate (use the dishes that can be placed in the microwave). Cover the plate with the film and send it to the microwave. Depending on your microwave power, it takes 10-15 minutes to prepare the pumpkin. Then remove the plate and knead the pumpkin with a fork. It will become a puree on the basis of which you can cook cupcakes, pies and more.
6. You can enjoy Tofu better by placing it under the press.

Many do not like soy tofu and compare it with cardboard or paper. This seems to be the case if tofu is just for those who don't know how to cook it. This soy cheese easily takes on the flavor that fills it with spices and sauce. To make the tofu flexible and soften during cooking, use the following hacking: put the tofu under the press to remove excess water and start cooking after the cheese becomes elastic.

7. Vegetables, if baked, will save more nutrients.

One of the biggest mistakes in the kitchen is that we cook vegetables. This is not the best solution because they lose a lot of nutrients during cooking. So try the vegetables before using them for salads or ready meals.

    Beets, carrots and potatoes can be wrapped in foil or pulled on a wire rack, spread with butter and baked until ready. After baking the vegetables peel them, add the salad or eat with salt and spices.
    Cut the cabbage into small pieces, well salt and place on a baking sheet. Sprinkle with spices and cepiet until tender. Before removing the grave from the oven, lubricate it with oil and hold for another five minutes - it will turn red and finally reveal its aroma.
    Sweet peppers are better baked until they are soft. When ready, place it in a saucepan or container and apply for five minutes. During this time, the bark will be separated from the pulp. The pepper mass can be added to another container. And you can sprinkle with spices, salt, add wine or balsamic vinegar and marinate for several hours. It's very tasty.
    Eggplants can also be baked and should be baked. Then peel, trim pieces, trim the blender or apcepiet with egg. Anyway
10 culinary life hacking with familiar products 10 culinary life hacking with familiar products Reviewed by Health Tips on June 11, 2019 Rating: 5

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