Often we are in a situation where our body needs emergency help. And then most of us rush to the nearest pharmacy. But there is another solution - juice treatment! This article - 10 drink recipes that will help you not worse about drugs.
In old times people were treated with herbs. And right! Nature is not entitled to almost any disease. Even a complicated disease, such as multiple sclerosis, can be cured with nutrition, not to mention minor problems. Another issue is that over time we have lost the necessary knowledge, stopped listening to our body, and it is easier for us to go to the pharmacy and get a quick solution.
The other side of this approach is that all medical products, even the most dangerous ones that are sold without a prescription, have many side effects. However, such drugs are being sold for more and more completely unknown reasons - I don't think drugs have become less dangerous and are now available for sale. But this is a question for another discussion ...
I recommend that you do so in many cases without medication. Instead, the task will be to handle ordinary juices. They have so many useful and side effects - zero. Therefore, we recommend starting.
You will need a juicer. Any, even the greatest budget. Already I anticipate disruption, they say it's expensive. But! Think about cost savings pills from a pharmacy. Juice extractor is an investment, if not for life, for many years to be determined. And investing in the most valuable thing you have is health.
I recommend drinking juice in the morning for breakfast. If it is really bad (for example, you have hangovers that do not want to go away) then there is no limit to the volume. Drink your health!
All ingredients are based on one portion (this is the absolute minimum). If there is always a problem in your life, for example with your heart, then it is recommended to drink juice every day - for prevention.
Unless otherwise stated in the recipe, you simply squeeze the juice from the ingredients listed.
1. Juice from the hangover
Contains vitamins A, C, magnesium, potassium, selenium.
Papaya soothes the nervous system, cucumbers help to eliminate toxins and fill the body with the moisture lost during the party, oranges supply us with the vitamin C needed for detoxification. Selenium is also known for its cleaning properties.
The main cause of hangover is the loss of moisture. It is recommended to replace the juice with plenty of clean water.
125 g papaya;
2 oranges;
1 medium cucumber.
2. Juice from high blood pressure
Contains vitamin C, potassium and zinc.
The main causes of high blood pressure are blood clots and clogged arteries. Vessel walls are compressed, becoming less flexible. In this case, vitamin C, which helps our body to produce collagen that increases vascular flexibility, will be very useful. Another cause of clogged arteries is oxidation processes. Vitamin C also struggles with them, and this wonderful vitamin also reduces blood, which helps to circulate better.
Potassium rich in kiwi also lowers blood pressure.
250 g of kiwi (with skin);
1 medium cucumber;
1 tablespoon of pomegranate grains (add the seeds to the prepared juice, do not crush).
3. Juice from cellulite
Contains vitamins A, C, potassium, magnesium, folic acid and sodium. Juice also cleanses the blood, kidneys and lymph. Pectins in apples help to strengthen the immune system.
The problem of cellulite can be difficult for everyone: thin and full. The reason is a cured organism. Then help with vegetables and high-water fruits that help cleanse the body. Even with cellulite, it is recommended to use body wraps and sports: all these procedures help to detoxify.
200 g of apple;
50 g of beet;
100 g of celery.
4. Juice from swelling
Contains vitamins A and C, potassium and zinc.
The cause of edema may be intolerance of some foods, zinc deficiency and lack of fluid in the body. Yes Yes. When the body lacks water it starts to hold it. Also, you probably won't participate in the last pair of shoes if the other is not expected.
125 g asparagus;
10 dandelion leaves (can be replaced by arugula);
125 grams of melons;
1 big cucumber;
1 pear.
5. Pain from headache (or migraine)
Contains vitamins A, C, potassium, magnesium, calcium.
Green salads and fennel have a relaxing effect on the nervous system as they contain a lot of potassium and magnesium. These substances prevent spasms that are headaches.
175 g of green salad (richer color, the better);
125 g of fennel;
½ lemon (squeeze the juice out of it, and the bark can be grated and added to the already prepared drink).
6. Juice that helps the heart
Contains vitamins A, C, E, B6, magnesium, niacin.
It is scientifically proven that if you consume enough vitamins C and E and use it sparingly, but regularly, you can extend your life by 10 years! This strategy helps the heart
10 medical juices for all occasions: from hangover, cellulite, constipation and not just
Reviewed by Health Tips
June 12, 2019

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