Eating habits for improving heart health.

Eating habits for improving heart health.
Infarction, stroke, heart failure - these are just some of the cardiovascular diseases that are not only inherited but also acquired during life. Unfortunately, even many healthy twenty-year-olds have at least one risk factor for heart disease, such as high blood pressure, stress, unhealthy diet, smoking, etc. To improve one's health, one of the most important elements of everyday life - food - telling nutrition specialist, lecturer Liene Sondore, BENU Health and Beauty Academy.

Since the middle of the last century, it has been said that a Mediterranean diet is beneficial for heart health. It originates in Crete, where the average lifespan of the population was ~ 80 years and the risk of cardiovascular disease was 30% lower than elsewhere in Europe. This phenomenon is considered to be the consumption of olive oil, which is about 80 liters per person per year. The Mediterranean diet is based on herbal products such as fruits and vegetables, whole grain products, legumes and nuts. Salt is rich in herbs and spices, while butter is replaced with olive oil. Fish and seafood are included in the menu at least twice a week while meat consumption is limited. Modern healthy eating habits recommend meat to be consumed 2-3 times a week, not more than 65-100 g of prepared meat, but red meat to be limited to a few times a month. The origin of meat and products in general is important.

An essential part of this diet is also the culture of eating - cooking and enjoying with your family and friends. It is an emotional state for heart health. Reduced consumption of red wine is also allowed. A sufficient amount of drinking water and regular physical activity are also essential. Compliance with the Mediterranean diet for two years has been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and premature death.

Of course, the region's diet is also dictated by its raw materials. For example, in our latitudes, the Nordic pyramid of nutrition would not be in conflict with the recommendations of the Mediterranean diet. At the first level, it has seasonality. In summer fruits, berries, mushrooms vegetables are strong antioxidants, minerals, vitamins. By combining both diet pyramids, we can successfully take care of our heart health.

Unfortunately, Latvian breakfast is popular with sausage buns, pâtés, etc. Every meat product should be cooked by itself. Already in the finished products - semi-finished, culinary, confectionery - there are always various food additives that would never be added to home-made food.

It is advisable to choose low-fat dairy products in the diet, not to eat semi-finished foods, not to cook the finished culinary, pastries. If you crave a bun - bake yourself! However, remember that snacks are not everyday products. Extra virgin olive oil for cooking and salads should be used in the diet.

The specialist emphasizes that it is important to keep track of how large portions we eat - we often eat too many portions. If it's for you - take smaller plates at home!

It is also helpful to understand your metabolism as well as possible with the help of a specialist or family doctor and be aware of how many calories per day we take. If a person has a sedentary job, the amount of calories should definitely be reduced. Of course, you have to be physically active and it is advisable to walk 7 km (10 000 steps) a day, which is about one hour's walk.

Of course, genetic heritage is also invaluable for heart health, but it is the lifestyle that is in its own hands that has a great impact. Regarding eating, regularity is also essential - it is important to have 3 basic meals a day. If families do not bring this to their child at an early age, then there is a higher risk of overweight in adolescence. If you don't have time to eat, you have to think about your time thieves.

Changing eating habits is difficult, but it is not impossible. It takes 2 to 3 months for the new habits to get stronger.

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Eating habits for improving heart health. Eating habits for improving heart health. Reviewed by Health Tips on July 02, 2019 Rating: 5

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